Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Blood loss

What a whirlwind the last 13 days or so has been.  I cannot get into great details but my middle daughter has been in and out of the doctor's office for the last 2 weeks.  She was hemorrhaging and they could not get her bleeding to stop.  While scary, there has been a sense of calm in the midst of the storm.  In the middle of an appointment this week with the hematologist, he started asking about Hope's family history.  We started to talk about various bleeding disorders and the doctor suddenly became concerned with my medical history more than Hope's.  Odd...but kind of amusing.  He insisted on taking my blood while he was taking Hope's to at least compare it.

Hope and I showed up to The Cleveland Clinic today to have a lot of blood taken.  For those of you who do not live near here, The Cleveland Clinic is a giant campus with buildings where you need a map to find where you are going.  We finally meandered and found the pediatric wing ( I personally find it amusing that I got to see the Pediatric Hematologist).  We were called back and that very hematologist came out of an appointment and came into our room to oversee the blood draw.  He wanted nothing to be left to chance (Can I be a pediatric patient always?  I promise to pitch a fit like a 2 yr old to make it legit).  While we were having our vitals taken, we saw a boy coming towards us.  He couldn't have been more than about 8 and had a bald head as he was dragging an IV cart beside him.  The nurse told him he couldn't be down where we were because he was sick.  He said he just wanted to play.  Then there was another bald child walking towards us.  Quickly we realized we were in the Pediatric Cancer area.  It could have been very sad.  I mean it is horrible to watch any child be sick to any level.  It especially pains me to see my own children sick.  Here we were ready to get a simple blood draw and these children were fighting for their lives.  There is so much we could take from them.  Their focus wasn't on being sick.  They just wanted to play!  Wow!  If only my sights could be on just today and what was in front of me rather than worrying about tomorrow.  I think we can learn a lot from children.  We left the children and went into our room to have more than 10 vials of blood a piece drawn.  Piece of cake compared to those kids.

I have spent so much time worrying and not enough time enjoying the present. I know it does me no good to worry or focus on things broken.  If I focus on the present and the people in my present so that I can be present in their lives as well, I will be doing what God has asked me.  I know we can all say that we won't worry - but don't we do it anyway?!

On a good note, my daughter seems to be on the mend.  While we await results of the blood tests to check for disorders - I choose not to worry and enjoy what today brings.  I love my family and will do everything I can to pour myself into today and not tomorrow which is not promised to me.

Philippians 4:6
Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.

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