Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Every Hair...

Every Hair...
I can hear most of you now saying, "What's up with that title?!" 
Ok - I realize that title isn't telling as to what this really is.  However, if you look beyond then you will see where I am going with this. 

In Luke 12:7   Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
And again in Matthew 10:30  And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 

God's word is so awesome because it is truly living and breathing.  There are so many meanings behind each statement. He will meet and greet you each day with what YOU need to hear.

Those verses could be as simple as He knows you so well that He knows every hair on your head.  However, I hear so much more than that.  So, how I will put this down today is - I will ask some questions and then below will go on to answer.  If you choose to do this as a daily devotional - take time to answer the questions first before going on. 

Why are we being told, "Don't be afraid"?
Do we really trust God in every situation?

We do not trust that God will take care of us or that he will overcome any situation.  We sit back and think that God is going to act the way that we do.  We cannot begin to comprehend how God will react because our only vision of God is the way we see ourselves.  We know that we will let people down and eventually fall short. (For me, that is on a daily basis).  We know that we will not forget a wrong or a hurt no matter how hard we try.  Let's face it - we aren't God - as much as we try to create ourselves into one. 

He has taken the time and care to know every speck of you.  He created you and is so happy to know every detail.  If He has taken time to know every hair, does He not care to know every part of your heart and life?  He took the time to create every bird of the air and tends to their care.  You are His most precious gift.  You are created in His image and He loves you.  I mean - can't you just picture this.  God is in heaven and at the people creating machine (yes, I realize I am taking liberties....but go with it) and pulling down the jackpot lever and saying - ok, I would like a tall - red-head with green eyes please and out you come.  You weren't factory made or a carbon copy.  He wasn't absent the day you were born.  No, He took the time to craft you and mold you in HIS image.  You are NOT an accident.  Would He not care about you in every situation? 

Where is God asking you to trust Him right now? 
How can you let Him be there for you?
Where will you find Him today - or will you put Him on the shelf to show up when you say you are a Christian?

**On a hilarious side note - as I was looking up references for this section - this is why so many women of the world do not shave.  It was considered a sin (in some societies) against God to shave the very hairs that He had counted.** 

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