Wednesday, July 27, 2011

This Blog

This blog was derived out of another blog I wrote last year. I wrote every day for 100 days about my walk with Jesus. I opened it up for others to read not thinking they would - but just as an option to follow along in my journey. My sweet and loving friends would follow - but I did not want them to feel obligated to read it. Then I found out a few other people were reading and it really impacted them. When I reached the end of the 100 days - I was not sure if I should carry it forward or not. Then, this summer, I had the privilege to go on a missions trip to Ecuador with some awesome kids from my church. I was asked to write a devotional and God really pricked my heart during that time to start doing this again. It is soooo difficult to find a good devotional where you do not feel like they are just blowing wind up your skirt. I have always related to the people that are 'real' in their writing. Anyway, with all that being said, I hope that you enjoy your daily walk and get something from this. I pray that God is able to reach you where you are at every day and that you find Him everywhere you go.

1 comment:

  1. You are such a wonderful writer. Thank you for blessing us with your gift! I look forward in reading your devotional.
