Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Goal

Whenever I start an exercise routine, for some sick warped reason, I start to hear the Saturday Night Live skit with Hans and Franz (1980's).  For those of you who are nostalgic or those who are much younger and have no idea what I am talking about, here is a short clip:
It was a skit with 2 guys pretending to be like Arnold Schwarzenegger.  So, I am always hearing, "I want to pump you up." 

For the last three years, I have done The 3 Day Walk for breast cancer (  I have trained, lifted weights and walked countless miles all with a goal of walking 60 miles over 3 days in honor of those who have fought breast cancer.  I do a great job exercising when I have a goal in mind.  While getting ready for The 3 Day, I know that if I do not train, I can badly injure myself.  For those of you who do not think 60 miles is very far, try it!  The most fit people do not ever cross the finish line.  They make the mistake of thinking they have it all together and are active enough to not train.  I have seen blisters the size of Texas on people's feet and stress fractures all because people do not prepare. 

I am not doing the walk this year due to my crazy summer and as a result got way off the exercise path.  So, a few days ago, I decided to see if I could do what I had not really done since high school....a sit-up!  Gasp!  You may laugh but that was such a huge thing for me.  I held the record for most situps in a minute at my school (62 or 65...I do not recall - either way - impressive).  I had such incredible abs but truly it had been since high school since I even attempted actual sit-ups...not little whimpy crunches - I have done those.  I sat in wonder trying to figure out where I could do them.  I finally found a spot, took my spot on the floor, looked up at the ceiling and said - here we go.  I did one and without difficulty.  Woohoo!  It seemed so daunting and yet so simple.  Why did I not just try it?!  Yes, I did more than one and can say I actually enjoyed it!  Shhhhh!! 

How often are we afraid to step out because it seems like such an insurmountable task?  It is simple - it is fear.  We are afraid to fall and fail.  However, if we never try or take a step forward, then we have already failed. 

Today's passage is:  Philippians 3:14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

The Message version
Focused on the Goal
12-14I'm not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don't get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I've got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I'm off and running, and I'm not turning back.

I used to run track and I did hurdles.  Again, if I had not trained and worked at learning how to get over those hurdles, I would have crashed and burned.  If you get off course at all during hurdles., or keep your eyes fixed anywhere but in front of you and on the goal, you will fall.  I have many scars from hurdles because I took my eyes off course.  Our eyes must be fixed on Christ or we will fall.  The more we pull away from Him or do our own thing, we lose sight of the prize and the end goal.  Isn't life like that?!  We have hurdles and a long race ahead - should we not train and press on toward the goal of Christ and His love?!

Where have you lost sight or have you just stopped running the race?  What will help you get back in your routine?  In your heart, what hurdles are keeping you from God?

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