Friday, August 5, 2011


Well, I picked up an unfortunate bug along the way on our lovely trip to Mexico.  I am sooooo careful about what I eat overseas but for some reason - I got sick anyway.  I have been quite ill over the last 12 hours - but as always - it has caused me to really think.

How often do we come across things that cause us to fall?  It happens to me all the time.  I will be walking along with no problems and then stumble.  Often I fall into the pitfall all on my own but more often than not, it is like the situation I am in.  We end up picking up a critter and taking them along for the ride.  We do our best to shake it but it hangs on causing our lives to be ill. 

The passage today is:
Psalm 37 : 23-24
 23 The LORD makes firm the steps
   of the one who delights in him;
24 though he may stumble, he will not fall,
   for the LORD upholds him with his hand.

So, while we all may not be obviously ill on the outside, we might have tiny parts of our lives that are.  I know that I work my hardest to make sure I do´not pick up the critters along the way - but sometimes they come anyway. 

Where do you need to maybe do a detox to get rid of the critters?

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