Thursday, August 11, 2011

For Sale

I know that I love to shop the clearance rack. Sadly, the local Target knows me - practically by name because they know that I shop the clearance end caps. I have found many a great deal there because I am willing to find the gems hidden amongst the crap. Much of it is tossed around, torn, falling apart or just useless.

A friend of mine posted this yesterday on Facebook and it hit a nerve - so I am sure for many of you it will also.

If your’e not being treated with love & respect, check your “price tag”.  Perhaps you have marked yourself down.  It’s you who tells people what you’re worth by what you accept.  Get off of the “clearance rack” & get behind the glass where they keep all the “valuables”…. bottom line is… “value” yourself more, and get off the “clearance rack”.

I tried to find the original owner of these words of wisdom but it is posted so many times, that I could not find the author.

There are so many of us that do not value ourselves. It isn't necessarily that we are not being treated with love and respect by others - it is often that we do not love and respect ourselves. I do this a lot and I know as a stay-at-home mom, I probably do it more because I often downplay my role. So, if we cannot respect and love ourselves, how can we expect others to treat us any differently?!

So, while we may be a gem on the rack hidden amongst the crap, we should not treat ourselves that way or that is how people will treat us. Sometimes we are fine with doing day-to-day tasks but our relationships are where we put ourselves on that clearance rack.

Where are you placing yourself - on the clearance rack or among the valuables?

Psalm 119:17-24

 17-24 Be generous with me and I'll live a full life;
      not for a minute will I take my eyes off your road.
   Open my eyes so I can see
      what you show me of your miracle-wonders.
   I'm a stranger in these parts;
      give me clear directions.
   My soul is starved and hungry, ravenous!—
      insatiable for your nourishing commands.
   And those who think they know so much,
      ignoring everything you tell them—let them have it!
   Don't let them mock and humiliate me;
      I've been careful to do just what you said.
   While bad neighbors maliciously gossip about me,
      I'm absorbed in pondering your wise counsel.
   Yes, your sayings on life are what give me delight;
      I listen to them as to good neighbors!

1 comment:

  1. wow, kind of what I needed today. There are so many things that I have done in my life and so many things that I wanted to do...and so many things that I failed at...that I have been getting really down on myself; thinking "Well, this life sure isn't that one" (that I had pictured in my mind 5, 10, 15, 20, years ago)...but you know, if my life was what I had pictured all those years ago, I wouldn't have the son that I have. And all I have to worry about now is being the best mom to him that I can be and the best teacher to him that I can be...not worry about/dwell on the failures (see, still beating myself up about them...but trying to say, "Ok, they are the past") of the past and the might-have-beens but be the best me NOW... ~tears of conviction...and tears of wishing that I valued myself more for ME...because I know that if I value myself more I will be a better ME which will help me be a better parent, child of God, wife, friend, etc...
