Monday, August 8, 2011

Kissed by the fishies

One of my all time favorite movies is "Finding Nemo". It doesn't matter how upset I am, I can pop that movie in and be cheered up instantly. It is not one I ever get sick of either. One of my favorite scenes is the Shark support group where they recite the pledge, "Fish are friends - not food" because they are trying to change their images as sharks.
I would add the clip, but my connection is poor today - so am not able to do so.

Yesterday, Chris and I went out into the Gulf and swam over some seaweed patches where no one else would go. We ended up in this tiny cove. We stood there looking for fish and saw a few yellow and black striped fish on the bottom. The water was so clear that we could see them feeding off the bottom. Chris had been snorkeling the day before and saw a 6 ft barracuda. He had said he had to take off his ring because anything shiny would've attracted the barracuda for an attack. So, we decided to experiment with the fish. I had my watch on and he had his ring. We both started reflecting it back and forth and before we knew it there were almost 50-100 fish swimming around us. It was very funny because the fish decided we were plants or something. They would take turns nibbling on us. The little fish didn't really hurt but then the big ones came out - they pinched. We left and decided to come back later. We worked our way back out there. It was much more difficult to get out there because the jet skis had been going all day and churned the water. We couldn't see where we were stepping until we got far enough out. We finally found our spot and again the fishies were nibbling. It was much harder to see them the second time or see where we were going. There were sharp rocks, seaweed to tangle us and waves to make us stumble. Sometimes it was just best to stand still until we could see more clearly.

Sometimes our lives are like that water. We can often see it in a crystal clear way and other times, things have churned it up so it makes it much harder to guide our footsteps. Clarity doesn't always come immediately Sometimes, we just need to stand still and let God make the path straight before we can move.

Psalm 119:133

133 Direct my footsteps according to your word;
   let no sin rule over me.

Sometimes we step before letting God work things out. Where is it in your life that you need to let go for a little while and let God work out the details before you take another step?

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