Saturday, August 13, 2011

Running for ...

I didn't get a chance to write yesterday due to massive running around with the children. I just didn't get up earlier enough to spend that time with God. I always hate those mornings because then everything feels rushed.

I was thinking about running this week because I had to run this week. I used to be a runner so you would think I would love running. The one thing I used to hate was conditioning for running. It would never fail, you would get to the Spring and everyone was out of shape because they didn't do anything after track season was over. Those first few weeks were killer to get back to a condition where you might be able to compete. Imagine if we had all stayed in shape from season to season and how well we would have done.

The other day, my husband and I were coming back from Mexico and we had a layover of about 55 minutes to get through customs, get our bag, re-check the bags, go back through security, and run to our gate. I might add that we went through Charlotte, NC - not exactly a travel mecca for international flights. Needless to say, we had close to a zero chance to make it even if we ran. I was praying about this on the flight and was praying that God would give me the stamina to deal with whatever.

We landed - LATE - no stress there! We got off the plane, took off running only to meet a long line for customs. By the time we got through customs, we had exactly 14 minutes to do the rest. We took off running to get the bags. We finally found them and then took off running with the bags - not light I might add. We got to the bag check station and then took off for security. I was doing great running until we got to the 3 tiered staircase. I had flip flops on - did I mention that?! So, I did my best to not fall on my face and got up to the security station - which we then went to a different one. We made it with exactly 2 minutes to spare. Then we took off late. :-) I did fine running except I have allergy and exercise induced asthma. I rarely use an inhaler because it is rarely triggered. I got on the plane and started coughing and couldn't stop. I then realized that my inhaler was in my suitcase because I NEVER need it. I was able to calm down and drink water and all was fine after a little while.

God worked it out. It was a wonderful lesson in trusting Him but also constantly being in training for that long marathon instead of a mile sprint. Our bodies and mind should always be in condition for the long race ahead. No matter what we are facing - keeping our minds on the prize. I want to get to the end and be able to say,

2 Timothy 4:7

7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

I must confess that I am not always fighting a good fight or focused in the right place.
Our friends and communion with each other really helps to stay focused.
Where do you need to get back in condition for the race?

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